Sunday, May 31, 2009

Artificial Sweeteners READ IT

This is really important. There are some things we can control in this crazy world. Some people say, "I'm not going to stop laying in the sun"......, or "Why should I stop smoking......." "I'm going to die anyway"
You can make choices to improve your overall health
Artificial Sweeteners were initially invented to be Insecticides. I guess someone got a taste during application and decided it would be good to use as a sweetener.
This includes sucralos; aspertame; splenda; sweet and low and so on...sucralos claims to be derived from sugar-this is true....the ingredients are sugar & chlorine
I hope you make informed decisions based on this information, sources available upon request, I learned this in a lecture yesterday given by a nutrional counselor. There are alternative choices! Healthy Natural choices include Stevia (a sweetener derived from a plant), Agave Necter (YUM), Honey or Maple Syrup.

Be Informed

Sadly and unbeknownst to many, we use a lot of harmful products that are linked to the following diseases and conditions: Cancer, Alzheimers, Heart Disease; Parkinson's, Autism, Mental Illness; ADHD; Chemical Sensitivity; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and many more. sources: American Cancer Society, Childrens Health Environmental Coalition, Centers for Disease Control.

My life has been directly impacted by Cancer,
Heart Disease; Alzhiemers & Autism.

Whatever we put on our skin inevitably absorbs into our blood stream. How is it possible that 80% of personal care ingredients are approved without testing? Furthermore; Why does the FDA approve so many toxic ingredients for us to bring into our kitchens? I attended a lecture yesterday and learned that Americans consume an unbelievable amount of toxins; empty calories & empty vitamins!! Empty Vitamins = "enriched vitamins" or are vitamins prohibited from absorption because they are paired with artificial coloring. These and other synthetic ingredients, harmful preservatives and genetically engineered products confuse our digestive system! This confusion breaks down something called our Flora. Flora are our little buddies (good bacteria) that work for us in our digestive tract. How is it that 95% of our immune system is in our digestive tract and so few of us are informed? Many struggle with weakened immune systems, chronic fatigue, alzhiemers and more based partially on their diets. We depend on Flora to get the best nutritional absorption. Flora depends on us to keep it healthy and in great numbers. We have to work as a team with our little buddies in there, or we are putting our immune systems at risk. The less Flora we have, the less vitamins and minerals we are absorbing. Think of an army being down in numbers. Many nuts, beans & grains are actually toxic and cannot be digested as purchased. They must go through a soaking and in some cases dehydrating process. The toxins from SOY cannot be removed. Please research this if you are into Soy. High Fructose Corn syrup is made from genetically engineered corn, what do you think this does to our digestive system?! And from what I learned, Americans are fat starved. We have to eat good fat. Sally Fallon told a story during her lecture of a child with autism who started eating sticks of butter, they allowed him to eat it and someone realized that he was starved of good fats. Good fats are essential for brain; organ and joint health. Also there was much talk of fish oil at the lectures. Fish Oils were compared to health insurance as they are full of healthy fatty acids. Buyer beware, many capsules have soy in them. This sould be purchased in liquid form, some are flavored, but suggestions were made to bipass the taste buds when taking. Maybe I'm alone in not knowing much of this; but I was astonished and had to share. I must accomplish some tasks that demand my attention. Please let me know of your interest in the things I mentioned so I can gear blogs toward areas of interest.
May Peace and Love Be With You, Fiddlebump